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Kelly Conley is the guest this week! Kelly’s band, Owen-Glass, is probably the only the anti-Federal Reserve band you’ve heard of. Even better, the music is fantastic! Be sure to check this episode out so you can get the their first single for free on December 23rd!

Kelly is a hardcore anarcho-capitalist from a small town. After being engrossed by the ideas of liberty, he has worked out a way to unite this with his passion for music. The resulting band, Owen-Glass, is clearly the product of a lot of care, dedication, and forethought.

While we do talk a lot about the band, we also have some great discussion on using your own passions to spread the message. It’s clear that Kelly knows his economics, and his insights on the harmful nature of the Federal Reserve system are spot-on.

Be sure to sign up for updates from the band so you can get the first single, Here it Comes, for free! You must sign up before December 23rd, 2018 to get it! Towards the end of the episode, I have a preview of the song for you. Enjoy!

If we want to change the culture–the explicit goal of this podcast–we need to support the great artists who are willing to help us get there. They are, in some ways, our torchbearers.

Links Discussed:

Owen-Glass website

Subscribe to get the first single, Here it Comes, for free

Easy to Crash,  by Cake

Books Mentioned:

End the Fed, by Ron Paul

The Revolution: A Manifesto, by Ron Paul

Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom, by Ron Paul


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